Nicholas J. Juried
Online Research Library

Box 4

Cataloged by Steve Whitesell
March 15, 2021

Item 1. Advocate, Jan. 10, 1852: Greene County Agricultural Society annual meeting on Jan 6, 1852 at C.L. Kiersted Hotel in Cairo. “The Hemlock” from the Horticulturist, undated. The Windham Journal, May 19, 1859: Cow, calf and bull given to Pratt by Mr. Israel Corse of New York. “Ancient Seed”, undated, unattributed: Seed from an ancient Egyptian sarcophagus germinated and fruited. “It is thought that the seed dates as far back as Sesostris”.

Item 2. “Comparative Prices in New York Market on the First of May in the Years 1848-1859”, undated, unattributed. Country Gentleman, June 6: Annual Show of the Ayrshire (Scotland) Agricultural Association. The Dairy Department: The Quality of Milk, undated, unattributed. Country Gentleman, undated: “Corn Ground in the Ear”. “Facts About Cows”, undated, unattributed. “Milk Without Butter - a Remedy”, undated, unattributed. The Freeman, Rondout, Feb. 25, 1863: The U.S. milk crop for 1862 totaled $160,000,000”. “Relative Value of Substances for Providing Milk”, undated, unattributed.

Item 3. “Horse Disorder” with calling card of Captn. Ralston, Stuyvesant Institute, undated. The Evening Post, Feb. 15: Lecture on Veterinary Science, delivered by Col. John C. Ralston, Stuyvesant Institute in New York. The Evening Post, undated: Second Lecture on Veterinary Art at Stuyvesant Institute by Prof. Col. Ralston.

Item 4. “To Fatten Fowls”, undated, unattributed. New England Farmer, undated: Grafting Cherry Trees.

Item 5. “Lawton Blackberry in Flower and in Fruit”, printed on tissue. Unclear signature, New Rochelle, NY, undated.

Item 6. Letter from Pratt to Col. Day, Oct. 3, 1848 renewing membership in the Greene County Agricultural Society. Report of the Greene County Agricultural Society, 1847 by Z. Pratt, President of the Society.

Item 7. Pressed leaf in acetate sleeve. Life membership card for Z. Pratt, New York State Agricultural Society, $50.,undated. The Country Gentleman, Albany, May 24, 1860: Product of a Native Cow. Recorder & Democrat, Dec. 16, 1852: Pratt addresses Yates County Agricultural Fair in Dundee, Oct. 15. Crowd of 6-10,000. The Country Gentleman, undated: Rural Architecture – Balloon Frame, 14 th article. The National Intelligencer, undated: Sheep and Wool. The Boston Mail, March 8: The Sugar Maple and Maple Sugar. “Division of Labor”, undated, unattributed: Figures of the numbers of men devoted to various trades. Prattsville Advocate, Oct. 14, 1842: Pratt will deliver Annual Address to Yates County Agricultural Society in Dundee on Oct. 14.

Item 8. Print on tissue of Pratt riding at his dairy farm, undated.

Item 9. Three printed images of the Pratt Farm, Prattsville, undated.

Item10. Print of “Col. Pratt and his Employees Working on the Road, Prattsville, 1861. Men and boys with shovels, hoes, rakes.

Item 11. Two prints, “Col. Pratt and Employees Working on the Road, Prattsville, 1861.

Item 12. Print of “Dairy Farm of Hon. Z. Pratt, 365 Acres, Prattsville, Greene County, N.Y., 1861. “Statistics of Hon. Z. Pratt’s Dairy Farm of 365 Acres, at Prattsville, Greene Co., N.Y. for the year 1862”.

Item 13. The Examiner, Catskill, June 26, 1858: Pratt as a dairyman. The Mountain Sentinel, Prattsville, April 24, 1869: Hon. C.M. Ingersoll in Prattsville to sell the Pratt Dairy farm, gave $50. each to Mr. C.R. Newcomb and his wife who had charge of the farm the last 9 or 10 years. Select Poetry, undated: “there is a God”. The Argus, Aug. 14, 1868: Pratt planted corn on June 12, boiled green corn 57 days later. The Mountain Sentinel, Aug. 17, 1868: Same corn anecdote as above. The Mountain Sentinel, march 13, 1864: J.L. Becker purchased Pratt Dairy farm for $20,500.

Item 14. Two prints, “Dairy Farm of Hon. Z. Pratt, 365 Acres, Prattsville, Greene County, N.Y. 1857. One annotated in pencil by Pratt.

Item 15. The Prattsville News, March 19, 1862: Product of Hon. Z. Pratt’s Dairy Farm. Two copies, reprinted from The Country Gentleman.

Item 16. “Statistics of Hon. Z. Pratt’s Dairy Farm” 1857-61, 50 cows kept each year. Annotated in pencil by Pratt.

Item 17. Five different printed views of the Pratt Dairy Farm, undated.

Item 18. Print, “Residence of the Hon. Zadock Pratt, at Prattsville, New York”.

Item 19. Letter to Pratt from Charles H. Delanson, Nov. 1, 1860 thanking him for “tub of butter”. Letter to Pratt from John Burch(?), Jersey City, Jan. 1861 thanking him for “Firkin of butter”. Letter t Pratt from Edwin Hanks (?), Jan. 23, 1861 thanking him for “pail of Butter”.

Item 20. Delaware Gazette, Delhi, Feb. 13, 1861: Statistics of Pratt Dairy Farm, 1857-60. The Observer, Jan. 24, 1861: Col. Pratt’s Dairy Farm. The Journal of Commerce, New York, Feb. 18, 1861: “Results of Dairy Farming” – Pratt’s farm statistics. Bloomville Mirror, Nov. 3, 1857: Pratt exhibited butter from his dairy of 50 cows, sold 5575 pounds by Oct. 1 at 25-27 cents per pound. Awarded a diploma at the Greene Cty. Agricultural Fair. The Windham Journal, Nov. 15, 1859: “Common hemlock calf on farm weighs 740 lbs, in less than a year.

Item 21. Four partial issues of The Journal of the New-York State Agricultural Society, Albany, March 1858; September 1857; December 1857; undated. Page 43 from Northern New York and Saratoga Farmer, 1860: “An Extraordinary Man”. Praising Pratt.

Item 22. Engraved portrait of “Z. Pratt, Tanner (Late Member of Congress)”.

Item 23. The Country Gentleman: A Journal for the farm. The Garden, and the Fireside, Albany, Dec. 19, 1861 vol. XVIII no. 25: Front page article on Pratt’s dairy farm. The Ulster Republican, Feb. 6, 1861: Col. Zadoc (sic) Pratt, the Farmer”. Delaware Gazette, Feb. 13, 1861: “Col. Pratt’s Dairy Farm”. Prattville News, Nov. 20, 1860: Pratt’s farm, under supervision of Mr. C.R. Newcomb, 7-10 acres of land yielded 734 bushels of corn on ear, 64 ½ shelled corn per acre. Net profit above interest $1359.20.